334th vs X51 Squadron Match Results
Greetings pilots,
I would like to thank 334th_Baj, 334th_Hartmann, 334th_Virtue, 334th_Spylon, 334th_Kermit, 334th_Myrzik, and X51st CJ for their efforts during this match. Everyone put in their best into the match but the X51st were able to pull ahead in the last 30 minutes with a successful bomber landing. Congratulations are in order for the X51st on their win and skill during this match. We can all agree that our competitions with the X51st are intense, challenging, and fun. We are currently looking to setup another rematch in the coming month(s). This recent result brings our score to 1 win and 1 lose against the X51st! Let us train on our new strategies and improve our skills for the next match.
S~ 334Th_HisFate.
